A pena de morte é incompatível com o cristianismo, razão pela qual não sou cristão.
Defender a Bíblia e ser a favor da pena de morte é incompatível, por isso não defendo a Bíblia, denuncio as suas incoerências, pode ajudar-me?
Anos atrás, vi uma notícia que aconteceu no Brasil, duas mulheres assassinaram um menino de 9 anos, Rhuan Maycon:
Eu teria desejado a pena de morte para estes assassinos, por isso, anos atrás, publiquei um vídeo intitulado: O Cristianismo é a favor da pena de morte – O Caso de Rhuan Maycon.
( https://144k.xyz/2023/10/20/no-soy-cristiano-porque-el-tipico-lider-cristiano-dice-basar-su-fe-en-la-biblia-y-entre-los -que-aman-la-biblia-se-encuentran-pastores-y-curas-violadores-de-ninos-solo-gente-asi-podria-amar-la-impuni/ )
Mas devo esclarecer que quando você diz que é cristão, imediatamente te associam a ser um defensor da Bíblia, se estamos nos referindo a esse tipo de cristão, então eu não sou cristão, estava me referindo ao verdadeiro cristianismo, ao aquele que não foi baseado na Bíblia, mas como ninguém conhece, então eu digo:
Não sou cristão porque o líder cristão típico afirma basear a sua fé na Bíblia, e entre aqueles que amam a Bíblia há pastores e padres que violam crianças,
só pessoas como essas poderiam amar a falta de punição para seus próprios crimes,
Refiro-me à não legalidade da pena que considero ser a única pena adequada para tal mal:
a pena de morte.
É uma impunidade baseada no respeito por determinado país,
Esse país é pequeno em território, mas não pequeno em influência,
Esse país tem embaixadas em vários países do mundo,
Esse país tem uma bandeira amarela e branca,
Como o César do Império Romano tinha moedas com a imagem do seu rosto,
aquele país cunha moedas com imagens dos rostos de seus líderes supremos,
e esse país é o Vaticano,
cujo livro principal, a Bíblia,
contém uma doutrina absurda de um homem de cabelos compridos a quem chamam de “seu salvador”,
doutrina que diz:
“Ame o seu inimigo, porque eu digo que a lei: olho por olho, dente por dente e vida por vida, não significa mais justiça.”,
Dirão às vítimas de abuso sexual para amarem os seus violadores?
Cada um defende o seu povo, certo?,
Se Michael estiver do lado das pessoas boas,
De quem está o Diabo do lado?,
Quem defenderia pessoas tão desprezíveis senão o próprio Diabo?
Se o Diabo tivesse filhos,
Se houvesse pessoas que se enquadrassem no perfil do filho do Diabo,
Não seria o Diabo o único interessado em salvá-los de um castigo justo?
Não seria o Diabo o único prejudicado pela justiça?
Acredito que Deus existe e que é justo, a doutrina do olho por olho, dente por dente e vida por vida me parece uma doutrina justa na medida em que o agressor a inicia sem justificativa.
Somente o Diabo poderia se opor a Deus.
O Cristo que aqueles que se dizem cristãos seguem é o diabo porque se opõe à justiça de Deus.
Sou um homem que quer a pena de morte legalizada para estupradores, extorsionários, assassinos, vigaristas, sequestradores e aqueles que buscam a morte de pessoas inocentes por meio de calúnia;
desejar justiça e ser um defensor da Bíblia são incompatíveis.
Não vale a pena tornar-se cristão porque o Cristianismo é baseado na Bíblia, e a Bíblia é baseada nas mentiras romanas.
Um lobo pode se tornar uma ovelha?,
As ovelhas perdidas são lobos?,
Os lobos romanos diziam que o pastor amava os lobos.
Lobos em pele de cordeiro dizem:
“E de acordo com este livro sagrado, existe o seguinte comando: Ovelha, ame o lobo, seu inimigo, e alimente-o com sua carne e sangue. (Mateus 5:38).
O Diabo diz a seus seguidores cansados que se eles seguirem seu mandamento de caminhar três quilômetros em vez de um, eles descansarão. (Mateus 11:28, Mateus 5: 41)
163 | @JoseElsegador hace 0 segundos Can you conceive of the lion of Judah sharing food, including pork, at a table with Antiochus IV Epiphanes, that king who wanted to Hellenize the faith of the Jews and killed some of them for refusing to eat pork? Can you conceive of him saying: “His wickedness is forgiven because he accepted me as his only savior and lord, and because he believed me when I said “eat everything because I am above the law: Deuteronomy 14 and Leviticus 11 are part of the past”, because he believes me when I said: “No to justified revenge, love your enemy because Numbers 35:33 is also part of the past, it is a commandment that stopped being justice with my arrival”, “Eat everything because my “words weigh more than the words of the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 65, Isaiah 66).” It does not make sense that the Lion of Judah is that man with long hair who looks like the Greek god Zeus, the god of Antiochus IV of Epiphanes, and that he also said: “Nothing that enters a man’s mouth contaminates him.” “(Matthew 15:11), because that is an insult to the faith of those seven brothers and their mother, who for love of God’s law regarding forbidden foods were martyred by that Greek king, those martyrs had faith in that by dying for the laws of their God, they would live again to inherit eternal life. Let us remember that those Jews did not want to adopt Greek customs (2 Maccabees 7), but the Romans could get along with such customs, which is why you have what you find in the Bible: myths and Hellenism contradicting Jewish truths: a terrible graft. | https://youtu.be/2OOk5e2rzV4 | The Final Day Of Judgement – You URGENTLY Need To Know This |
162 | @user-ro3jq4ow1k hace 1 mes (editado) Lord I am a liar, I’m lazy, I steal, I say your name is vain, and I just want to repent for my sins. I love you and I believe you have died on the cross for our sins and has shed his blood for us. We don’t deserve it but you chose to do that for us, yet we still reject you and sin. So I just want to say that I admit I’m a sinner and I beg for forgiveness. In Jesus’ Lovely holy name. Amen. @JoseElsegador hace 1 segundo @faby_baby It does not work that way, it is not enough to confess sins, it is mandatory to stop sinning: Matthew 7:22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’. Trusting everyword in the Bible isn’t either the way to salvation, for example in the prophecy related to Matthew 7:22, it reads that he hates his enemies, in consecuence the love for the enemies doctrine is not his: Psalms 139:19 If only you, God, would slay the wicked! Away from me, you who are bloodthirsty! 20 They speak of you with evil intent; your adversaries misuse your name. 21 Do I not hate those who hate you, Lord, and abhor those who are in rebellion against you? 22 I have nothing but hatred for them; I count them my enemies. Jesus preached the Lord (Jehovah) as the only God and saviour to worship, as the only one to direct prayers to; When Jesus was dying on the cross his enemies’ words show that he preached not himself, but Jehovah as the saviour: Psalms 22:7 All who see me mock me; they hurl insults, shaking their heads. 8 “He trusts in Jehovah,” they say, “let the Lord rescue him. But what the Roman Empire has done is terrible: They showed a different Christ and a different gospel and made that official in the Bible, the cult for creature was on their minds: Matthew 27:42 “He saved others,” they said, “but he can’t save himself! He’s the king of Israel! Let him come down now from the cross, and we will believe in him. They have said that salvation is trought worshipping a long haired man, who reseambles a pagan god named Zeus, that people must accept him as the only savior. The Romans have hellenized the gospel. The Roman persecutos have never converted to the faith of Jesus, but they have hid, destroyed and adulterated the messages of his faith. | https://youtu.be/nQp6d__NTxU | The Day Of Judgement – What Will It Be Like? (Part 2) |
161 | @user-ro3jq4ow1k hace 1 mes (editado) Lord I am a liar, I’m lazy, I steal, I say your name is vain, and I just want to repent for my sins. I love you and I believe you have died on the cross for our sins and has shed his blood for us. We don’t deserve it but you chose to do that for us, yet we still reject you and sin. So I just want to say that I admit I’m a sinner and I beg for forgiveness. In Jesus’ Lovely holy name. Amen. 89 7 | https://youtu.be/nQp6d__NTxU | The Day Of Judgement – What Will It Be Like? (Part 2) |
Terrible, as bad as the willing ignorance of many millions of proud supporters of priests and pastors.
“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” -Romans 10:9
Jesus did not even resurrect at the third day!.
Many quote Romans 10:9 as a kind of mantra with which they feel secure from receiving a proper punishment, I enjoy destroying the deceit:
It does not work that way, it is not enough to confess sins, it is mandatory to stop sinning: Matthew 7:22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’. Trusting every word in the Bible isn’t either the way to salvation, for example in the prophecy related to Matthew 7:22, it reads that he hates his enemies, in consequence the love for the enemies doctrine is not his: Psalms 139:19 If only you, God, would slay the wicked! Away from me, you who are bloodthirsty! 20 They speak of you with evil intent; your adversaries misuse your name. 21 Do I not hate those who hate you, Lord, and abhor those who are in rebellion against you? 22 I have nothing but hatred for them; I count them my enemies.
Jesus preached the Lord (Jehovah) as the only God and savior to worship, as the only one to direct prayers to; When Jesus was dying on the cross his enemies’ words show that he preached not himself, but Jehovah as the savior: Psalms 22:7 All who see me mock me; they hurl insults, shaking their heads. 8 “He trusts in Jehovah,” they say, “let the Lord rescue him. But what the Roman Empire has done is terrible:
They showed a different Christ and a different gospel and made that official in the Bible, the cult for creature was on their minds:
Matthew 27:42 “He saved others,” they said, “but he can’t save himself! He’s the king of Israel! Let him come down now from the cross, and we will believe in him.
They have said that salvation is through worshipping a long haired man, who resembles a pagan god named Zeus, that people must accept him as the only savior. The Romans have Hellenized the gospel. The Roman persecutors have never converted to the faith of Jesus, but they have hid, destroyed and adulterated the messages of his faith.
That long haired god is Satan (there are many Satans, (slandereres)), his religion is what the world calls “christianity”, I will explain:
Defending the Bible and being in favor of the death penalty is incompatible, that is why I do not defend the Bible, I denounce its inconsistencies, can you help me?
Years ago I saw a news story that happened in Brazil, two women murdered a 9-year-old boy, Rhuan Maycon: https://sputniknews.lat/20190621/asesinato-nino-rhuan-juan-brasil-ideologia-genero-1087731520. html – https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asesinato_de_Rhuan_da_Silva
I would have wanted the death penalty for these murderers, that’s why years ago, I uploaded a video titled: Christianity is in favor of the death penalty – The Case of Rhuan Maycon.
But I must clarify that when you say you are a Christian, they immediately associate you with being a defender of the Bible, if we are referring to that type of Christian, then I am not a Christian, I was referring to true Christianity, the one that was not based on Bible, but since no one knows it, then I say:
I am not a Christian because the typical Christian leader claims to base his faith on the Bible, and among those who love the Bible there are pastors and priests who rape children,
only people like that could love impunity for their own crimes,
I am referring to the non-legality of punishment that I consider to be the only appropriate punishment for such evil:
the death penalty.
It is an impunity based on respect for certian country,
That country is small in territory, but not small in influece,
That contry has embassies in various countries of the world,
That country has a yellow and white banner,
As the Ceasar of the Roman empire had coins with the image his face,
that country mint coins with images of the faces of their supreme leaders.
and that country is the Vatican,
whose main book, the Bible,
contains an absurd doctrine from whom they call “Their savior”,
doctrine which says:
“Love your enemy, because an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth stopped being justice with my arrival”,
Will they tell victims of sexual abuse to love their rapists?
Each one defends his own people, right?,
If Michael is on the side of the good people,
Who is the Devil on the side of?,
Who would defend such despicable people but the Devil himself?
If the Devil had children,
If there were people who fit the profile of the Devil’s son,
Wouldn’t the Devil be the only one interested in saving them from a just punishment?
Wouldn’t the Devil be the only one damaged by justice?
I believe that God exists and that he is just, the doctrine of an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth and life for life seems to me to be a just doctrine to the extent that the aggressor initiates it without justification.
Only the Devil could oppose God.
The Christ that those who call themselves Christians follow is the devil because he opposes the justice of God.
I am a man who wants the legalized death penalty for rapists, extortionists, murderers, swindlers, kidnappers, and those who seek the death of innocent people through slander;
desiring that and being a defender of the Bible are incompatible.
It is not worth becoming a Christian because Christianity is based on the Bible, and the Bible is based on Roman lies.
Revelation 12:7-12 Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.
And because the army of Michael has prevailed:
12 Therefore rejoice, you heavens
and you who dwell in them!
But woe to the earth and the sea,
because the devil has gone down to you!
He is filled with fury,
because he knows that his time is short.”
Deuteronomy 32:43 “Rejoice with him, O heavens;
bow down to him, all gods, for he avenges the blood of his children
and takes vengeance on his adversaries.
He repays those who hate him
and cleanses his people’s land.”
44 Moses came and recited all the words of this song in the hearing of the people, he and Joshua the son of Nun.
Damn dirty ape, can you understand me?
I will show you a lie which is a drop in a sea of lies in the Bible; but before: In a single image, in the one below, I tell you what motivates me to create these articles.
Real Case: Abel vs. Caina: The just man versus the slanderous woman (A)
I expose the Roman lies in the Bible because at my ignorance I followed bad Roman advice in the Bible which made me sin and fall at the feet of a slanderous and treacherous woman.
My words instants before the three coward men, friends of Sandra Bazan, began to attack me with kicks and stones, in front of her, when she had slandered me accusing me falsely of sexual harassment (1998): (C )
I answered: “What? No, I am not harassing her, it is not harassing, in my letter I ask her:” Sandra, what do you want from me? I did all this for you, but you call me, you tell me to look for you and when I look for you, you reject me and insult me (but I pray for you because the Bible says … “thanks for your ‘wise’ advice, Satan!! (I am being ironic)”),
what happens to you? What do you want from me? Do you love me inside and act that way because this is my ex’s witchcraft.
Do you act this way because you have entered a sect? Are you making fun of me? Tell me what’s wrong! “, That’s not harassment. (D)
Notice Stephen’s attitude moments before he was killed as the Bible says, read how he addressed those he considered wicked:
Acts 7:51 Stiff-necked, and uncircumcised in heart and hearing. You always resist the Holy Spirit; Like your parents, so do you. 52 Which of the prophets did your fathers not persecute? And they slew those who foretold the coming of the Righteous One, of whom you have now been betrayers and slayers;
His attitude against the wicked is in harmony with the proverb that says the righteous hate the wicked: Proverbs 29:27.
The fact that Stephen was stoned by the wicked confirms what that proverb also says: The wicked hate the righteous.
But in his agony, something that doesn’t fit happens, suddenly Stephen, from behaving like an aggressive lion against the wicked, behaves like a meek kitten with the wicked, and that doesn’t make sense, it doesn’t make any sense:
Stephen’s death and his sudden change of attitude makes the narrative hardly believable.
Acts 7:58 And they stoned Stephen, while he cried out, and said, Lord, hold them not to account for this sin. And having said this, he died.
A very strange change of attitude for someone who moments before had spoken firmly and hatefully to his enemies.
Now read this:
Revelation 6:9-10 Those who had been put to death for the word of God and for their testimony cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
Stephen is supposed to be one of them, but here he is not seen interceding for them to be forgiven for killing him.
This contradiction is not a symptom of the fact that you, who agree with me and I, do not understand the scriptures as the defenders of the Bible would say, this is not an “apparent contradiction”, as they would say. The contradiction is real and is symptomatic of a Roman fraud in the Bible. It also makes no sense for St. Stephen to address a creature and not God in his last prayer, but that is another fraud that I have removed from Acts 7:58 to focus on the feelings of the saints toward those who killed them. Proverbs 29:27 says that the righteous hate the wicked, the prophecy in Psalm 58:10 confirms those feelings, contrasting Matthew 5:38 with Revelation 6:9 demonstrates based on logic, that the Bible does not deserve the credit that many rulers of various countries of the world give it by swearing with their hand on the Bible when assuming their public offices.
Everything becomes so untrustworthy that it is worth asking, did Stephen argue with Jews or with Romans?, did the Jews stone him or did the Romans stone him but the Romans blamed the Jews?, even: did Stephen really exist?, the Jews did not eat pork, but oh what a coincidence, in Matthew 15:11 the Bible says that Jesus said: they can eat everything, that doesn’t square with the prophecies of Isaiah in the last chapter of the book Isaiah. Do you realize the anti-Jewish tone of the Bible? It has texts from Judaism, but they are denied in its false New Testament.
Now read this:
Revelation 6:9-10 Those who had been put to death for the word of God and for their testimony cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
Stephen is supposed to be one of them, but here he wants to be avenged, he wants the sin of those who murdered him to be taken into account.
Can you conceive of the lion of Judah sharing food, including pork, at a table with Antiochus IV Epiphanes, that king who wanted to Hellenize the faith of the Jews and killed some of them for refusing to eat pork?
Michael says to Samael: “If you are a wolf, then I am a lion!”.
Can you conceive of him saying: “His wickedness is forgiven because he accepted me as his only savior and lord, and because he believed me when I said “eat everything because I am above the law: Deuteronomy 14 and Leviticus 11 are part of the past”, because he believes me when I said: “No to justified revenge, love your enemy because Numbers 35:33 is also part of the past, it is a commandment that stopped being justice with my arrival”, “Eat everything because my “words weigh more than the words of the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 65, Isaiah 66).”
It does not make sense that the Lion of Judah is that man with long hair who looks like the Greek god Zeus, the god of Antiochus IV of Epiphanes, and that he also said: “Nothing that enters a man’s mouth contaminates him” (Matthew 15:11), because that is an insult to the faith of those seven brothers and their mother, who for love of God’s law regarding forbidden foods were martyred by that Greek king, those martyrs had faith in that by dying for the laws of their God, they would live again to inherit eternal life. Let us remember that those Jews did not want to adopt Greek customs (2 Maccabees 7), but the Romans could get along with such customs, which is why you have what you find in the Bible: myths and Hellenism contradicting Jewish truths: a terrible graft.
#REGISTRO | Comentario. | Fuente | Video |
1 | Me cuesta creer que haya gente que les crea “derechos humanos” a las lacras sociales, a esos asesinos, y eso solo se puede explicar en que ellos también son parte de esa lacra social. Hay muchos abogados del Diablo que ven un éxito el salvar la vida e integridad de violadores, extorsionadores, asesinos, etc., al librarlos de la pena de muerte. Por eso es urgente ya que nos salgamos de absurdos acuerdos internacionales, hay que lograr hacer legal la muerte como castigo dentro de leyes justas , hay casos donde ese el único castigo merecido para los delincuentes, diente por diente, ojo por ojo, vida por vida si la agresión es injustificada e intencional. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pIAJioRs14 | |
2 | ¿Cuántos muertos por la delincuencia están esperando?, es vital salir de absurdos acuerdos internacionales, hay que lograr hacer legal la pena de muerte dentro de leyes justas porque hay casos en los que ese es el castigo que se merecen los delincuentes | https://www.youtube.com/shorts/rBEHfHB5MiM | Condenan a 1310 años a Mara en el Salvador |
3 | El problema es de nivel regional en todo Latam, salgamos todos del San José y hagamos legal la justa pena de muerte, aunque la iglesia se queje, se queja porque ellos les engañan con las mentiras de Roma de la Biblia y la justicia no le conviene a ellos. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTP4SxlvdrA | Ladrones son atrapados por vecinos: uno fue quemado en vivo |
4 | Existe gente que ve un logro salvar la vida a extorsionadores, asesinos y violadores, ellos no quieren pena de muerte para ellos; por eso es importante para aquellos que no somos como ellos que nos salganos de absurdos acuerdos internacionales , hay que conseguir que sea ley la pena de muerte debidamente enmarcada en leyes justas , hay casos en los que ese es el castigo merecido para los delincuentes, no importa si se opone el Papa, el vive con decenas de guardaespaldas, no como el resto. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zH_KwU-VBt0 | Mexicano mata a 5 personas en Texas por disputa vecinal – Las Noticias |
5 | @monyf.4483 hace 9 meses (editado) Cómo ex católica muy, muy desilusionada con el actual papa y además como argentina, aunque hace 20 años no resido en mi país, opino que es arte y como la expresión oral o escrita es libre de darla éste artista chileno. Al verla al principio me sorprendió. Luego escuché al artista y recordé porqué yo deje de ser católica. Lo hice porque en mi país y en la provincia donde nací, muy cerca de Los Andes, llamada Mendoza. Se destapó el caso del Instituto Provolo dónde niños sordos y mudos, a quiénes no les enseñaban lenguaje de señas se habían dado violaciones aberrantes a esos niños indefensos. Una monja contó que les ponían pañales a los niños porque les sangraba el ano. Entonces fue tal mi rabia, mi pena, mi grado de conmoción que tiré a la basura todos lo que guardaba como estampas, medallas, figuras…todo fue a dar a la basura. Y desde ese día no quiero ni oír hablar de la iglesia católica. La obra es excelente. Porque la vida de un niño tras un abuso de un adulto, queda hecha trizas cómo bien lo muestra la figura. Mi afecto como vecina de país para el artista y por su obra que me parece muy acertada. 10 Responder 1 respuesta | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdf10x9ZY8A | La controvertida escultura del papa Francisco tirando a un bebé | El País |
6 | Saint Gabriel hace 50 segundos (editado) No es justo que personas asi expongan al resto, pudo ser un niño y no un gato el masacrado por el doberman, de yo ser dictador yo no pondria multitas, impondria pena de muerte para dueños de perros peligrosos que los sueltan sin bozal o los pasean sin bozal. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-IU9L-w_2s | Dueña de perro dóberman es multada con mil soles: el can mató a un gato del parque Kennedy |
7 | Vivian jasbleydy hace 6 días NO SE EQUIVOQUEN CON SU ENVIDIA AL MENOSPRECIARME Responder 1 respuesta | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZSIYK46jJ4 | APOCALIPSIS 12 LA MUJER Y EL DRAGON |
8 | Min 01:53 ,recojo tus palabras, no sé que pasa con la gente aquí que por lo general alaba sin razonar a estos charlatanes, alaba al que defiende la vida de extorsionadores y otros delincuentes, y luego se quejan de la delincuencia; no sé que les sucede, o quizás sí lo sé, la profecía en Isaías 6 se cumple ahora en muchos pueblos. Y lo digo sin defender toda la Biblia: El Papa blasfema al decir que “Dios ama a todos”, niega las verdades en Salmos 5:1-12, su acción es el reflejo de lo que hicieron los romanos al falsificar el evangelio y hacer pasar uno falso en la Biblia, por eso abundan las contradicciones en la Biblia, pero ciertos pueblos no quieren ni enterarse, mucho menos investigar y denunciar, claro hay excepciones como quién escribe, y a esas excepciones quiero ayudar, pero es difícil saber quienes son y dónde están, mientras intento localizar y ayudar a esas personas excepcionales con información valiosa para ellos, mi mensaje se topa con los necios que alaban a sus enemigos, y obviamente ellos no me ayudan, son la mayoria por cierto y es frustrante, si haces un video estúpido se hace viral, si haces un video coherente no; al menos aquí la mayoria es apática con lo racional (la fe razonada) y prefiere la fe irracional (la fe ciega). | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdf10x9ZY8A | La controvertida escultura del papa Francisco tirando a un bebé | El País |
9 | Hay gente que celebra cuando se le salva de la pena de muerte a un pedófilo violador de niños, a un asesino, a un extorsionador, un secuestrador, etc, hay gente que pone en el mismo saco asesinar con ajusticiar, pero también existe gente de bien cuyos intereses vale la pena defender, por eso es necesario salir de acuerdos internacionales que son un caldo de cultivo para la delincuencia, hay que lograr hacer legal la privación de la vida dentro de leyes justas porque hay casos en los que ese es el castigo merecido para los delincuentes, si se opone el Papa no importa, el no enfrenta los riesgos de la gente de a pie. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Fb7UxxvYNw | Matan a tiros en la Condesa al joven youtuber Kevin Kaletry previo a conferencia |
I popoli zombie vivono senza interrogarsi, senza ragionare, vivono sottomessi ai pregiudizi. https://youtu.be/oQKCyMbAbVA
¿Cómo crear un mundo justo?, estos son los primeros ladrillos para la contrucción de un mundo justo. https://youtu.be/r7qKbFOCkjc
El poder del meteoro https://youtu.be/Y-21Zf8Ysyc
Charada, do que estamos falando?: Desde o momento que você nasce já te acusam dizendo: “Ele nasceu com o pecado original e precisa ser batizado”. Quando seus pais te levam para a igreja deles lá eles te ensinam a bater no peito dizendo o seguinte: “Confesso que pequei e também confesso que a culpa é minha, minha grande culpa”. Se tens inimigos que te atacam, eles te dizem: «Se queres ser perdoado dos teus pecados, perdoa os teus inimigos, lembra-te que somos todos pecadores.«. Se você transgride as doutrinas daquela igreja, te chamam de pecador e te dizem que você transgride as regras de Deus, entendo que Deus é um ser incriado e é superior; Se a justiça fosse um valor mais elevado, Deus seria a favor de condenar os inocentes juntamente com os culpados? Aquela igreja é o remanescente de um império que perseguiu um grupo de pessoas que respeitavam a justiça, o império romano foi um império que destruiu as escrituras da fé que perseguia, porém dizem que esse império se converteu à fé que perseguiu e que começou a pregar as mensagens que perseguia, e também te dizem que na Bíblia que aceitaram estão as mensagens que perseguiram mas que depois se dedicaram a defender, pergunto-te, acreditas nelas? Eles parecem confiáveis para você?. Se você é justo, por que deveria se juntar a um grupo de pessoas cuja consciência os acusa de serem injustos?. Se você é justo, a melhor coisa que pode fazer é não carregar nos ombros a culpa dos outros, não é do seu interesse carregar o fardo daqueles injustos que cometem injustiças, mas que acreditam que serão perdoados por seguirem regras transmitidas por outras pessoas injustas e por espalharem as suas mentiras. Resposta: Estamos falando da religião do Diabo, aquele que os romanos do passado adoraram: Homem, Zeus, o sol (Triunvirato dos Romanos). Entre os romanos, era adorado o Sol Invictus, o «Sol Invencível», cuja festa era celebrada por ocasião do solstício de inverno, no dia 25 de dezembro, quando, acreditava-se, era a noite mais fria e, a partir daí, o sol voltava a nascer. Êxodo 20:5 Não te curvarás a nenhuma imagem para honre-a, eu sou Jeová, teu Deus, um Deus ciumento que odeia os que O odeiam e amam os que O amam. Jeová não ama seus inimigos: Mateus 5:38-48 é uma mentira do império romano de bestas, esse império não respeitou nem o mandamento, nem a mensagem, nem a aparência física de Cristo: eles o difamaram com a imagem de «um Sol feito homem», para continuar com a idolatria das imagens do Sol que o Império Romano já adorava quando o mataram.
O Império Romano profanou o sábado com a desculpa de que Jesus ressuscitou no domingo, o que também não é verdade. Eles até mentiram sobre isso porque Jesus nunca ressuscitou no terceiro dia, já que na parábola dos inquilinos ímpios em Mateus 21:33-44, o próprio Jesus faz referência a uma profecia relacionada à sua volta, essa profecia é encontrada no Salmo 118:5-25, e os eventos narrados lá não são apenas incompatíveis com o amor aos inimigos, são também incompatíveis com as experiências de um homem descendo do céu entre as nuvens; vive na terra e é repreendido por Deus na terra, evidentemente porque peca, evidentemente porque é ignorante no início, evidentemente porque reencarna sem memória de sua vida passada, e reencarna no terceiro milênio após sua morte na cruz (Salmos 22:16-18, Oséias 6:1-3).