Jesus did not resurrect at the 3rd day, I show you the true way of Jesus’ return to life.
Were you deceived by saying that the Psalms were a book of poetry and songs but not of prophecies? Find out that the Psalms are a book of prophecies, some of those prophecies have already been fulfilled, Jesus was murdered as prophesied in that book. book, the book of the life of the Lamb:
Here his death is narrated, this was written centuries before Jesus was born, Jesus knew of these prophecies in the Psalms, these prophecies were part of the faith of Jesus’ religion: true Judaism that was persecuted by the Romans who always had the intention to Hellenize that religion, and so they did and thus biblical Christianity was born.
Psalms 22:15 My strength is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue is stuck to my palate, and you have put me in the dust of death. 16 For dogs have surrounded me; A gang of evil men has surrounded me; They pierced my hands and my feet. 17 I can count all my bones; Meanwhile, they look at me and watch me. 18 They divided my clothes among themselves, And they cast lots for my clothes.
That was not the only prophecy that Jesus knew, he also knew the prophecy of his second coming, this prophecy narrates things that happen to a man that are impossible to happen to a man who comes from the clouds knowing the truth and in his same resurrected and not aged body from 2000 years ago!!.
If you read it you will notice that he sins and that is why God punishes him, if it were the same body, with the same brain and with the same knowledge, he could not sin because he knows the truth, but see that he sins because God punishes him in order to correct him, and the only explanation for this is that he was not resurrected and that his return occurs through reincarnation:
For if he had ascended to the top of heaven, how could he have anguish?!
Psalms 118:5 Out of distress I called upon Jehovah, and Jehovah answered me, setting me in a spacious place. 6 God is with me; I will not fear what man can do to me.
As you see, he lives surrounded by human beings, that is, he is in a human body down on the earth, not in the clouds of the atmosphere:
Psalms 118:7 God is with me among those who help me; Therefore I will see my desire in those who hate me.
Oh, that is not loving the enemy, that is hating the enemy, another lie from Rome is falling to pieces!
Psalms 118:8 It is better to trust in God than to trust in man. 9 It is better to trust in God than to trust in princes. 10 All nations surrounded me; But in the name of God I will destroy them. 11 They surrounded me and besieged me; But in the name of Jehovah I will destroy them. 12 They surrounded me like bees; They burned like fire from thorns; But in the name of God I will destroy them.
He has many enemies and he hates them!
Psalms 118:13 You pushed me violently so that I would fall, But Jehovah helped me.
Here he accuses the one who caused him to stumble into sin, he accuses the false prophets, they betray him in his second coming and not in his first coming as the Romans wanted us to believe with their invented story of the betrayal of Judas, otherwise Do you still believe me, observe how another prophecy shows us that he sins and that he is betrayed only after having sinned, we have been told that Jesus never sinned and that he was also betrayed, but both conditions are not met in the prophecy, therefore something is false, that of this Judas and his betrayal is false:
Psalms 41:4 I said, God, have mercy on me; Heal me, because I have sinned against you. 5 My enemies say evil of me, asking, When will he die, and his name perish? 6 And if they come to see me, they speak lies; 7 All those who hate me murmur against me together; 9 Even the man of my peace, in whom I trusted, who ate my bread, lifted his heel against me. 10 But you, Jehovah, have mercy on me, and raise me up, and I will repay them.
According to another falsehood from Rome, Jesus said that Judas’ betrayal happened so that that prophecy would be fulfilled, but as you can see he sins in that prophecy, which does not fit with what is said about Jesus, it is said that Jesus never sinned, but In Psalms 41 we see him fall into sin and also desire revenge on his enemies.
John 13:18 I am not speaking of all of you; I know who I have chosen; but that the Scripture may be fulfilled: He who eats bread with me has lifted up his heel against me. 19 From now on I tell you before it happens, so that when it happens you may believe that it is I.
Let us continue analyzing Psalms 118 and we will notice that these things that happen to him in his second coming are experiences only possible by living while being ignorant of the truth, and for that he would have to be reincarnated, his new brain could not keep any memory of his past life, That is why he sins, until searching for the truth he finds it, and confesses his involuntary sin.
Psalms 118:14 My strength and my song is Jehovah,
And he has been my salvation.
15 There is a voice of joy and salvation in the tents of the righteous;
The right hand of God does mighty things.
16 The right hand of the Most High is sublime;
The right hand of the Eternal does mighty things.
17 I will not die, but I will live,
And I will tell the works of JEHOVAH.
18 JEHOVAH punished me severely,
But he did not hand me over to death.
Here, as you see, he is punished by God because he sinned, but since God knew it was because he did not know what he was doing, God forgives him, because God is just, he corrects the lost sheep, but destroys the wolf, God knows that both are not the same.
Psalms 118:19 Open to me the doors of righteousness;
I will enter through them, I will praise Jehovah.
20 This is the gate of the Lord;
Through it the righteous will enter.
21 I will praise you because you have heard me,
And you left me for salvation.
22 The stone that the builders rejected
He has become head of the angle.
The true religion of Jesus consisted of respecting the laws of justice, not eating pork and applying an eye for an eye, the law of justice, which is why he says in the parable:
“He will destroy the evil ones without mercy”, that has no love for his enemies because it was never his doctrine, the Romans copied it for the Bible from a Greek, from Cleobulus of Lindos.
Matthew 21:41 They said to him, «He will destroy the wicked without mercy, and will rent out his vineyard to other tenants, who will pay him the fruit in his own time.»
Those others are the righteous, the righteous are the only beneficiaries of the holy covenant, Jesus died for the forgiveness of the sins of the righteous like him, and never for the sins of the wicked.
I know that the righteous will understand me because they are as intelligent as Jesus, unlike the foolish false prophets who have read these same things but have not understood or denounced them.
Daniel 12:3 Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who teach righteousness to many, like the stars forever and ever. 4 But you, Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book until the time of the end. Many will run to and fro, and knowledge will increase.
5 And I Daniel looked, and behold, two others were standing, one on this side of the river, and the other on the other side of the river. 6 And one said to the man clothed in linen, who was standing on the waters of the river, When will be the end of these wonders? 7 And I heard the man clothed in linen, who stood over the waters of the river, who lifted up his right hand and his left hand to heaven, and swore by him who lives forever, that it will be for a time, times, and half of a time. And when the dispersion of the power of the holy people is ended, all these things will be fulfilled. 8 And I heard, but I did not understand. And I said: My Lord, what will be the end of these things? 9 He answered: Go, Daniel, for these words are closed and sealed until the time of the end. 10 Many will be clean, and made white and purified; The wicked will act wickedly, and none of the wicked will understand, but the wise will understand.
The penance of the faithful witnesses is for time, times and half a time.
They will understand me. Jesus does not return to life alone, he returns with the righteous in the third millennium, they reincarnate after two thousand years of the death of Jesus, in this prophecy one day is equivalent to a thousand years.
Observe how they say: “And we will know Jehovah”, they will know the truth and will be free because they are the ones who are written in the book: Hosea 6:1 Come and let us return to Jehovah; for he snatched away, and will heal us; he wounded, and he will bind us up. 2 he will give us life after two days; On the third day he will raise us up, and we will live before him. 3 And we will know, and continue to know, the Lord; His departure is prepared like the dawn, and he will come to us like the rain, like the latter and early rain to the earth.
I have survived – My amazing real survival story in the roads of the highlands of Peru, year 2005.
JEHOVÁ dijo a Cristo: Siéntate a mi diestra hasta que ponga a tus enemigos como estrado de tus pies.
A man who suffered religious persecution tells his story. They falsely accused him of being crazy.
This is a copy of the message I have just sent to
My name is José Carlos Galindo Hinostroza, and I am writing to you from Peru because I want you to delete a web page whose content many years ago stopped reflecting my religious beliefs.
In 2004 I had a religious faith that I no longer have, at that time I was 29 years old, and my purpose was to denounce Catholic idolatry by showing passages from the Bible that evidence Catholic idolatry, except on the page: About me, in which I made a very brief comment, I did not make any comments in the rest of the publications, and this is because since I stopped being Catholic and denouncing their fraud, and this since 1997, I have suffered a very serious harassment by my close relatives, which has included false accusations against me, specifically they have accused me of being mentally ill, and this gave them an excuse to carry out kidnappings and torture against me, which even almost caused my death, my family members have been extremely intolerant of my criticism of Catholicism, absolutely none of them were on my side, I had neither financial resources nor greater evidence of that injustice, however I wanted to help people who had never read the Bible so that They realized that the Catholic Church was deceiving them, I had a girlfriend at that time and I told her: “Gissel, don’t worry, as you see in naodanxxii I don’t make comments, my family will have no excuse to accuse me. of being mentally ill and kidnapping myself in a crazy house», I never imagined that a neighbor, after seeing me in an Internet booth developing that page, was going to notify my relatives of my project, so they would accuse me of being unbalanced mentally, they began to secretly give me crazy pills in food, due to the side effects of which I ruined the content of other similar websites, which in turn served as an excuse for them to kidnap me again in 2005 for a month and a half, Just as it had already happened in 1998 and 2001, and during 2006 and 2007, without respecting my wishes, they once again gave me medications secretly in my food, taking advantage of my situation of economic dependence that they themselves had caused in me with so much religious intolerance, but thanks to another woman, with whom I had a brief romantic relationship, I discovered that in 2007, and since then I have not taken any medicine for mentally ill people, I have never needed them, I have lived my life normally, as I would have done since young if those relatives had not attacked my honor, my health and my freedom, we know that Geocities was closed by Yahoo in 2009. Even before 2009 I had already lost access to my old Yahoo account:, my Family members insisted that I become Catholic again, even though they had previously asked me not to read the Bible because I was incapable of understanding it, as if underestimating my intelligence. It was something terrible. I never became Catholic again. I became an agnostic. The aforementioned website was no longer on the internet, no one could find it on the Internet, in 2017, as a result of a new family betrayal, but at work in 2016, since I was already working with relatives, who despite my loyalty as a worker treated me with harassment and they forced me to resign in 2016 after several years and despite knowing that I had a son who was almost 2 years old, despite knowing that I had no experience other than that of an export salesman of the products that I sold for their company, despite knowing that I had to earn more than the minimum wage to be able to pay rent, since I did not have my own house, they betrayed me with great cowardice, then I realized that what they told me they did for me: » Placing me in a madhouse because they were worried about my mental health, was an excuse for them to justify their crimes committed by their religious intolerance, because if they had felt sincere concern for my well-being, they would never have indirectly fired me with a deal. so hostile, just when I had already acquired many important clients for their company. So, I should never have forgiven them, I had forgiven them before only because I thought that, although they were wrong to put me in a madhouse, since I was not mentally ill, they had good intentions.”
No family member helped me when, in practice, they fired me unfairly, thank God I was able to move forward and get another job, but I was left with indignation for everything I suffered at their hands in my youth, so in mid-2017 I began to read the Bible again, because it didn’t seem fair to me that they never allowed me to read it more when I was young. This is how I realized that the Bible has lies, and that it was a mistake to argue that the Bible is the truth to refute the Catholic dogmas that contradict it, then in 2018, despite having a family to care for and a stable job in another company, my mother, and in complication with one of my sisters, and namely, with the financial backing of the same relatives who betrayed me in their company, tried to kidnap me in front of my four-year-old son and his mother. My mother and my sister , with the presence of a psychiatrist with a medical certificate with which he accused me of being mentally ill, and the presence of four police officers, my sister and my mother accused me of being crazy and a danger to my own four-year-old son. years, but my neighbors denied her, especially the owner of the house saying: “Madam, José never gives me problems, he has lived here for years, he pays the rent on time and it is clear that he loves his son”, I was not that Sunday, December 9, 2018 at home, my son’s mother also defended me, because my mother said: «He made a website, he is crazy», my son’s mother told her: «Respect your son’s faith, he «He’s not crazy», I reported this to the police station but they did not accept my complaint, there I met the same police officer who went to my house, and if it weren’t for the fact that I was with my girlfriend (not with the mother of my son), perhaps that police officer, upon seeing me alone, would have detained me. I told the police officer: «They falsely accuse me of being crazy for denouncing lies in the Bible on a website. I am not crazy, I have had an autonomous life for more than 16 years, I work, I pay my rent, etc.», the police officer told me: «I don’t see that you are crazy, I see that you are normal, but your mother came with your sister along with a psychiatrist with a medical certificate saying that you are crazy and you urgently need hospitalization, she asked us to help her, I recommend that you undergo a psychiatric examination so that they can give you a mental health certificate so that you can report her for slander,» I tried to do it, but before the evaluation, in certain health center, they gave me a form to fill out, on the form there was a question: have you ever been diagnosed with a mental illness? Yes/No, I told the psychiatrist: Checking this box would not be fair, because they have falsely accused me of being mentally ill in 1998, and with that lie they have kidnapped me in 1998, 2001, 2005 and a few days ago almost they kidnap me, a doctor came with a false certificate. Then the psychiatrist told me: «If I evaluate you and it turns out that you are fine, they are going to believe that you have paid me to certify that you are mentally lucid.» He did not want to evaluate me, and he recommended that I file a complaint and that if the prosecutor or judge accepted it, they could request a psychiatric expert opinion, but they never accepted my complaint, so I have tried to gather evidence of these kidnappings, and I wanted to be able to prove that I was harassed, and that I was as lucid as I am. Now, then it was like a miracle to come across that old page from 2004 again, because it helps me to support that the harassment I suffered was so much that I refrained from giving my comments, I have no way of proving that was my account and that that was my website, but I can prove that I am José Carlos Galindo Hinostroza.
In this document, you will see my ID: DNI 07502609
I no longer believe in the Bible, nor in the Apocrypha, except in some passages, which is why the content in NAODANXXII no longer reflects my beliefs and I request that you delete it: Please delete and all its branches, such as:
Why do I do this? This is the way I do my penance for the involuntary sins that I committed when I did not know these things, sins that are due to the great fault of the false prophets who taught me lies, and not because of me, nor for “my great fault”: I was Catholic, but when I first read the commandment against the worship of images I immediately stopped being one, the commandment is in Exodus 20:5. However, I believed that that truth meant that the rest of the Bible was true, it’s just that I was just beginning to read the Bible, and I hadn’t read enough of it to realize what I began to realize in 2017, so in In my youth I accused the clergy of the Catholic Church of teaching idolatry, because I was really indignant when I realized that they deceived me for many years, but the mistake I made was to argue that they denied the Bible, by doing that I was saying without knowing that the Roman slanders against God were true, God did not allow me to continue because God knew that I was in error (years 1997-2001), after a few years, in 2004 when I was 29 years old, seeing a History Channel program I learned for the first time about the existence of the apocryphal gospels: The Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Philip, etc. Then I fell into the error of not only defending the Bible, but also those false gospels, which is why God, through hostile people, did not allow me to continue with that. In these videos I show evidence that what I say is true:
José Carlos Galindo Hinostroza – Errores míos en el año 2004 en naodanxxii mi antigua página web.
Evidencia de mi lucidez mental – 2004 – El hostigamiento contra los escogidos — Daniel capítulo 7
But since the middle of 2017 I was able to read more of the Bible and since then I have been finding and denouncing lies from Rome in the Bible and in the Apocrypha, and I understood why God had previously prevented me from continuing to defend the Bible and the apocrypha, I am not doing this as a nosy, a snitch or a gossip, the false prophets deceived me, they made me waste my time and make bad decisions, so I do this for my sake, to help myself, I do it because I was led into error, I was led to defend lies without knowing that they were lies, and this is how I vindicate myself with God, this is my penance, this is how I wash my hands, I do not become an accomplice in the evils of the Romans, screw the guilty and not the innocent .
I rejected Sandra Elizabeth’s curse, so come with me Luz Victoria because you are my blessing.
De la muerte de Cristo me lavo las manos, lávese las manos quién pueda, sálvese quién pueda
Romanos que mataron a Jesús cargan con la cruz porque él nunca los perdonó, la iglesia romana mintió
Si Jesús tenía el cabello corto, ¿Quién está en esa cruz?